
Navigating the Waters

Posted by Tim LaTour on

Imagine taking everything in your home – every piece of furniture, every picture, all clothing, all electronics…everything – and throwing it in the rubbish. That’s what many of my friends and family members are doing in my hometown of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. No...

Objective Distance

Posted by Albert Ng on

There is a special kind of place that does magic to my heart like no other place. Whenever I am there, time freezes, my heart quiets down, my mind stops wandering, and my misty perspective seems to clear up. This magical place is not Disneyland. It is not church either. It is Hong Kong...

Share Your Story: Alex Siu

Posted by Island ECC on

Alex first got involved with Hope of the City through a care group and he has been working with the elderly in Shek Kip Mei since. In serving, he has encountered many moments that have touched his heart, especially where Alex and his fellow volunteers are able to make a difference in someone...

I Love the Rain

Posted by Rick Bates on

“I love the rain. It washes memories from the sidewalks of life!” This is perhaps my favorite movie quote. It is from an old Woody Allen movie when he is trying to impress a date as they speed together down a New York street in the light rain. Neither his date nor I really got the...

Going for Gold

Posted by Brett Hilliard on

Every four years, a neglected love awakens in me.Every four years I realise afresh a diminished affection.Every four years, I remember that I love the Olympics. I’m not sure if you are paying attention or not, but I certainly am. To all sports—even the most obscure. I never (repeat...

Forgotten Power

Posted by Charlotte Lui on

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 Have you ever thought of asking yourself a question like...

Share Your Story: Alison Ma

Posted by Island ECC on

Alison was not brought up a Christian and held a constant sense of anxiety from a very young age. She went into paediatrics to pursue her heart for children but when her first patient passed away in front of her, she was shaken to the core. She couldn't shake her feelings of sadness and...

Share Your Story: Hannah Chuang

Posted by Island ECC on

Hannah was raised in a Christian family but she didn't really understand some of the fundamentals of the faith. As she grew into her teens, she began to have a lot of insecurities about herself and she had always noted a difference between her friends at church and at school. God spoke to her...

More Than A Passing Grade

Posted by Joseph Mohan on

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 I am an educator with the responsibility of inspiring the hearts and minds of the next generation of leaders. However, the primary concern of...

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