
More Than A Passing Grade

Posted by Joseph Mohan on

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

I am an educator with the responsibility of inspiring the hearts and minds of the next generation of leaders. However, the primary concern of my students is invariably, “What is my grade?” In Hong Kong, students are immersed in the strong exam culture. The results of tests and exams can form the basis of young people’s self-worth, aspirations and fears.

I just completed the semester-end grading, which reminded me of my own school days when I was graded on the curve. This is based on the idea that grades like As, Bs, Cs etc., in a given class, should be distributed along the bell curve. Teachers who grade on the curve are feared for their “limited” offering of the “A” grade, which applies greater pressure on students to work even harder.

When it comes to our eternity, God grades us on the cross, not on the curve. Romans 10:9, lays down His non-bell curve grading criteria as: “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” That’s it!

To everyone who sincerely states this promise, God gladly offers “limitless” A grade. Strangely though, there are no B or C grades. But, to those who fail this criterion, God sadly, but rightfully gives an F grade—eternal separation.

In God’s school, the singular question and the correct model answer, to get an A, is clearly spelt out in the Bible. There is no element of surprise, unlike our exams. The question in God’s school is always the same, while faith in Christ alone is the only correct answer.

Let us aim for grade A by:

  • Acknowledging and thanking God’s way of grading you. He is helping and not making it hard for you.
  • Asking God to show you who among your near and dear ones who have not yet received this grading and need God’s grace.

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