What We Believe
To the glory of God, we believe our mission is to reach out to English speakers in Hong Kong by living and speaking the Gospel of Jesus Christ, trusting God to transform lives, deepen our faith and use us to impact Hong Kong and beyond.
We Believe in the Bible
The wisdom of scripture provides the foundation for all we do here: "Seek first the kingdom of God and all else will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33). By gathering weekly for creative worship experiences and absorbing relevant, Christ-centred teaching, our goal is to stay focused on what is most important - a vibrant faith in God and a compelling concern for those around us.
"Seek first the kingdom of God and all else will be added to you." Matthew 6:33
We Believe in the Power of the Gospel
We strongly believe that the message of Jesus Christ is the greatest news anyone could ever know. It’s essential that someone trusts in Jesus to not only have eternal life, but abundant life on earth. We believe this message is urgent, and we seek to continually proclaim it, both in word and our lives, to a world in need.
Our Core Values
The foundation of our faith is the Bible, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ being central to who we are and everything we do. As a large and growing church, we have developed seven Core Values, beginning with grace and expanding from there, that guide us in ministry.
Doctrinal Statement
While the Bible itself is our formal document of faith, we have a statement that assists in understanding those biblical ideas that most fundamentally define who we are.
Spiritual Gifts Inventory
Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit to every believer to be used to minister to others and build up the body of Christ. We provide a free assessment to assist in discovering one’s spiritual gifts and build up the body of Christ at Island ECC.
Positional Papers
There are specific matters of faith and practice that we consider of such value or practicality that we have written position papers to address these.