
The youth ministry of Island ECC, Island Youth, is a place where we desire to see each student's love of God free them to experience life to the fullest. All Hong Kong youth, Grades 5-12, are invited to come experience community and a fun environment where it's easy to see and be transformed by the power of the gospel.

If you are interested in our Youth events throughout the school year, please refer to our calendar of events
What happens at Island Youth? 

Island Youth is a vibrant ministry with tons of activities going on. We have dedicated staff and services for preteen, middle, and high school students so that we can provide relevant, fun, and age-appropriate content. Each of the ministries has Sunday Services, Retreats, Camps, Mission Trips, Emulate Youth Conference, and Fellowship Events. Middle and high school students also participate in Friday Night Small Groups.



Preteen is the newest addition to the Island Youth family. Students in grades 5 and 6 are welcome to join us each week for relevant teaching, fellowship, service opportunities, fun, and so much more! This new ministry takes place every Sunday with special events throughout the year.

Youth Services

Youth are invited to worship with other students in services tailored to explore who God is in a way that's challenging wherever they're at in the journey. The amazing worship music is led by our student band, and each Sunday, leaders tailor messages to engage with youth in deep, fun and practical ways. 

Times and Location:

 Middle and High School The Well on the 11/F at 9:30 am and 11:30 am

Preteen The 11/F Classroom at 9:30 am and 11:30am


Friday Night Small Groups

Friday Night Small Groups are all about community, connecting with each other as family and encouraging each other to continue becoming the people God is calling us to be. We eat, laugh, pray and reflect together on how God is working in our lives and the world. 

Time and Location: 
Middle School meets at The Well on 11/F Island ECC at 6:30 pm. 
High School students meet on 9/F Island ECC at 7 pm. 

All youth in Hong Kong are invited to come experience a fun community where it's easy to see and be transformed by the power of the gospel.


Our desire is to see each family blessed, connected to each other and to God. We partner with family ministry to host relevant talks to help families grow. Additionally, we have a Mailing List that parents can be added to in order to stay up-to-date with Island Youth events and opportunities. Please email us at or to learn more.


Island Youth is proud to serve in many different ways that represent how the kingdom of God is growing across Hong Kong. We proudly support different youth movements across the city such as Resound, Young Life and Alpha.

Connect With Us


Youth are encouraged to connect with us and each other through our dedicated social media communities, and youth and parents are always invited to email us with questions, comments or to stay in touch. 

Email    Instagram Link Tree

© 2025 Island ECC - A Dynamic English Speaking International Church in Hong Kong