How To Become a Christian

Many people believe they are Christians because they were born in a religious home or go to church regularly, try to do their best, or live a good life. However, the Bible teaches that these things cannot make you a Christian. You become a Christian simply responding to God’s love:


1/ God loves you because He chooses to. “God wasn’t attracted to you and didn’t choose you because you were big and important… He did it out of sheer love…” (Deut. 7:7-8). He loves you so much that…

2/ He gave Jesus, His one and only Son. While we do wrong things daily, Jesus is sinless. Though sinless, Jesus took our sin. He died on the cross in our place. Our response to this great gift is simple…

3/ We trust Jesus to do what we can't. We don’t trust our own efforts to save us. We can’t save ourselves. We don’t place our trust in other people to save us. We believe in Him.

4/ God gives us brand-new life. We have joy because of His Spirit living within us. Little by little His Spirit changes us to be more like Jesus. No guilt in life, no fear of death, He gives life, now … and for eternity.

You can tell God you accept Him now: “Father, I believe You love me. You gave Your one and only Son so I can live forever with You. Apart from You, I die. With You, I live. I choose life. I choose You.”

If you would like to speak with someone from Island ECC about this decision, please contact us at . We will be more than happy to meet with you.

If you would like to explore more about the Christian faith, be sure to check out Alpha here.

© 2025 Island ECC - A Dynamic English Speaking International Church in Hong Kong