
Showing items for 'Sandy Chau'

Prayer is Communication

Posted by Sandy Chau on

Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but my ears you have opened, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require. Psalm 40:6 Psalm 40 shows us an example of how we should pray in times of distress. David described himself as being caught in a desolate pit and in miry clay (verse...

Showing items for 'Sherman Chau'

Vanishing Truth

Posted by Sherman Chau on

It’s hard to know what—or who—to believe these days. It’s hard to find someone or some source that will tell the direct, non-sugar-coated, untampered truth. If you don’t believe me, maybe you will believe the Oxford Dictionary. I recently learned that their Word of...

Just a Little Longer...

Posted by Sherman Chau on

I always loved chocolate advent calendars as a kid (and still do). These have a little door to open with chocolate or candy inside, one for each day of December leading up to Christmas Day. Some might criticize this as a commercial side of Christmas, but I think it teaches anticipation, which is...

Showing items for 'Amanda Cheung'

Remembering Jesus

Posted by Amanda Cheung on

Two days ago, we started the first day of Lent. It is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, Christians replicate Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. It is marked by fasting, both from...

Showing items for 'Phil Chin'

Bold Faith Newsletter #9 - Heart Revelation of Giving

Posted by Phil Chin on

As the third wave of the virus affects Hong Kong, we continue to trust God and serve the city by providing masks to those in need and blessing low-income families financially. 10K for HKOne special way we were able to encourage our church to extend generosity was through our 10K for HK Campaign...

Bold Faith Newsletter #8 - Redevelopment Project

Posted by Phil Chin on

BOLD DevelopmentSome may think that being bold as believers is all about giant leaps of faith, and maybe that's the way it appears in the rear-view mirror of history. But what you'll find if you look close enough, is that the leaps of faith are always preceded by steps of faith. And that's where...

Bold Faith Newsletter #6 - The People Rejoiced

Posted by Phil Chin on

We have wonderful news! Over 1,100 of our church households are participants in the BOLD Faith campaign, an extraordinary response given that we still await a final location. This is truly evidence of trusting God to do great things in and through Island ECC.   Bold Faith is now part...

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