
Bold Faith Newsletter #7 - Development: Creative Generosity

Posted by Phil Chin on

We are approaching the end of 2019 and what a year it has been for Hong Kong. These past several weeks have especially taken a toll on our city, our church, our families, and our hearts. But sometimes darker seasons also have a way of better illuminating God's blessings and our need for Him. We are so thankful that Island ECC has just celebrated its 20 year anniversary which we believe signifies God's faithfulness to us through every season.


If you weren't able to attend our special Sunday celebration earlier this month, we encourage you to have a look at this video in which Pastor Brett shares some of our history and the ways God has used Island ECC to impact our city.


Celebrating 20 Years At Island ECC


Without your generosity and faithfulness, we wouldn't be in the place we are today, 20 years in, and now boldly taking new ground and new steps to begin a new chapter at a venue that can become home to even more people in Hong Kong.


So, thank you for continuing to partner with us in Bold Faith!

This month, we'd like for you to hear from Elaine Chow, our Bold Faith Development Director. Elaine has served with Island ECC since 2017.



In order to reach more people with a venue large enough to accommodate them, we need three things: your prayers, your (creative) generosity, and for God to open doors. 


I want to speak especially to creativity in generosity, and how encouraged we've been to see people thinking outside-the-box for the Bold Faith Campaign. We are blessed to have received $180 million in pledges and giving through not only traditional means but also through, for example, the sale of handbags, jewelry, restaurant shares, cars and property!


We all have something to give; it's not about the amount or the means, it's about our hearts being yielded to God's larger story. This is so reminiscent of the church in Acts where believers were one in heart and mind, and shared what they had (Acts 4:32-36).


God calls ALL of us to this way of living, for His glory and our good.


Elaine Chow

Bold Faith Development Director


Coming Up


We plan to host an Art Appreciation Evening and showcase a collection of paintings from banker-turned-artist Kaven Leung - a beautiful example of creative generosity. We will not only learn insider tips on buying art, but you'll have the opportunity to purchase Kaven's works.


And over the next several months, Pastor Brett, Elaine, and the rest of the Development Team are excited to meet with you to update you progress overall, and to seek your support to make this project a reality. Our plan is to also find a few anchor supporters to fund the project (through giving, a pledge or financing) for a total sum of $400 million over the next few years.

Knowing your love for God and the community at Island ECC, we encourage you to pray about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. There's no better time for Hong Kong to be engaged in such a gospel-led initiative. 


Phillip Chin
Bold Faith Chairman


© 2024 Island ECC - A Dynamic English Speaking International Church in Hong Kong