Showing items for 'Devotional'
I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God. [Oath in a US court of law]
I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. [Oath in a UK court of law]
Oath-swearing in...
Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ. Ephesians 4:15
This past weekend, I taught my son to ride his bike! Or rather, putting my paternal pride aside, my son Zachary learned to ride his bike with no training wheels this weekend!...
You are not alone.
Let that sink in for a moment. Meditate on that thought for a while. Think about it…for just a moment.
You are not alone.
We live in a very performance based environment where weakness is not often celebrated. Most of the time we live our lives projecting a sense of...
Do you know of friends who would come to you and say something like, “I was having this trouble, it was so challenging; then, as I prayed, a Bible verse came to mind, as if a light bulb has been lit up above my head…”
Then, you thought to yourself, “Why does my...
The past couple of weeks has been….uncanny.
Unusual circumstances have piled up to make me notice a strange pattern:
A woman rear-ended the side of my car in the parking garage. Nobody hurt, but massive inconvenience.
I woke up last Saturday to find I was locked inside my...
The Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo is world’s largest fish market, moving 700,000 tons of seafood annually, with over 60000 employees; auctioneers, wholesalers, accountants. Together they serve both sellers and buyers; fishermen, restaurateurs and the top sushi chefs of Japan. While watching...
She was an old woman, skin brown and weather-beaten to a texture of a raisin, hunched over but still strong from working the earth for a living. Her home was a hut with packed-mud walls in the highlands of Vietnam, and she did not own a mirror.
One day in the Spring she met a group of men from...
Imagine taking everything in your home – every piece of furniture, every picture, all clothing, all electronics…everything – and throwing it in the rubbish. That’s what many of my friends and family members are doing in my hometown of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
There is a special kind of place that does magic to my heart like no other place.
Whenever I am there, time freezes, my heart quiets down, my mind stops wandering, and my misty perspective seems to clear up.
This magical place is not Disneyland. It is not church either.
It is Hong Kong...
“I love the rain. It washes memories from the sidewalks of life!”
This is perhaps my favorite movie quote. It is from an old Woody Allen movie when he is trying to impress a date as they speed together down a New York street in the light rain. Neither his date nor I really got the...