Welcome to the BOLD Faith Campaign Newsletter!
Hong Kong is a city that awaits God’s transformation. God is at work and He is using His church to transform the fabric of our society.
Since the April newsletter, an additional 14 buildings have been introduced by brokers, developers and...
Michael and Kat moved to Hong Kong from Canada and got involved in the many ministries at Island ECC, from Care Groups to Worship to Kids Club. They became drawn to the vision of Island ECC’s BOLD Faith campaign as they saw how God is using the church to write a larger narrative for Hong...
Welcome to the 1st BOLD Faith Campaign Newsletter!
God is calling Island ECC to be part of His bold vision for people in Hong Kong and the region to change people’s lives through knowing Jesus Christ; and this requires our church to build on the past and prepare for our future.
Bernard is an architect and have been searching for his calling after coming to faith. When Island ECC launch its Bold Faith campaign, Bernard became interested but realised that it would be a very large undertaking but God put many things together to help him walk into this...