
What We've Learned Lately

Posted by Brett Hilliard on

You are in for a real treat today! We’ve decided to mix things up a bit and have two live speakers on every floor. I’ve asked 8 of our staff to share a mini-sermon about what God has been doing in their lives recently. You will get to hear two of them in the service you attend, but if you’d like to hear what the others have to share, you can watch them all online.

A special shout out to our Sunday Service volunteers today! There are over 140 volunteers each week that help make our Sunday service flow smoothly. You guys are amazing, and today, we want to highlight what you do and say a special thank you!

I hope you have a great sense of joy as we continue our “Hello Summer!” series and celebrate the Father of Light who gives us “every good and perfect gift.” (James 1:8)


Alistair Chiu: Time with God


Eric Farmer: Being Authentic


Shannon Hilliard: Chill and Know God


Daniel Tse: Wholesome Words


Sherman Chau: On Holiness


Jacquie Ronan: Sabbath Rest


Jessica Richmond: Where Our Hearts Are


Jeff Caylor: Staying in Season 

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