
Valentine’s Day – Past and Present

Posted by Rick Bates on

Decades ago when I was in grade school, all the children would gave a simple valentine card to each boy and girl in the class.  I remember feeling stupid giving them to other boys and scared giving them to girls! They all had cute little sayings:

In today’s world as an adult, I only participate in Valentine’s Day with a gift to my wife… and as nice as that is, I think I have lost something along the way.  As stupid or fearful as I felt giving those cards out, I always treasured getting a pile of these little gifts every year with my name on each and every one. 

In a very real way this is in keeping with what Jesus shared as the center of life.  During the last meal that he shared with his disciples, Jesus spoke with profound clarity: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” [John 13:34]  We benefit when love is shared the way Jesus loved – with genuine, care and interest in those around us. We all love being loved!  So …

I have a Valentine’s Day challenge for you.  Take a few minutes to send a greeting to someone to say they are special.  Tell them that they are “out of this world.”  Let them know they are special to you.  What you send will be treasured! 

Here’s mine …

Randy my friend, I miss you being in Hong Kong and hanging out with you.  I’d love to go to a movie with you this weekend.  I love you man, Rick


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