
Take Heart, Get Up; He Is Calling You

Posted by Daniel Tse on

We are a few days into the new year. As a new tradition, I have asked my whole family to gather around the dining table to do a countdown just before noon on January 1st because our three boys are still too young to welcome the new year the night before. Also as a family tradition though, I’ve asked the family to write down ten things they are grateful for in 2018 and three things they would like to accomplish in 2019. We had a great time of sharing.

As I read the book of Mark today, I really want to add one more resolution on my list for 2019! In Mark 10:46-52, Jesus heals a blind beggar by the roadside as He and His disciples were leaving Jericho. I was fascinated by this healing miracle based on a few observations:

  1. The blind “beggar” was recorded in the Bible by his name; Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus! – God knows you as an individual, you are not a nobody in His sight!
  2. Barimaeus cried out to Jesus “have mercy on me!” Jesus was with a great crowd and yet He heard his cried and stopped! – Be comforted because God hears your cry!
  3. Jesus uses those around us to call us towards Him so “take heart, get up” for “He is calling you.” – Be open to God’s calling in your life!

Quite often you want to know and do the will of God, and spend a lot of time just asking… Today, as 2019 begins, I would like you to stop and reach into your soul to search for the deep longing that you have for God. Like the blind beggar, what is it that you need to cry out to God for? In what area are you desperate for God’s presence? What is that most important healing that needs to take place in your heart today?

Pause, reflect, search your soul, and cry out to Jesus, the true healer and perfecter of our faith and then take heart and get up, for He is calling you.


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