
Share Your Life

Posted by Karlson Wong on

We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives too. (1 Thessalonians 2:8)

What a unique time in history we are living in. Everything we could normally rely on has been turned on its head. People are fearful of health risks and financial instability, feeling irritable, or stir crazy…the list goes on. So yes, you are not alone. But on the flip side, there is no greater opportunity for connection or discipling. I have observed that people have become more willing to listen and to share what’s going on in their lives. Since the outbreak, our married couples group has started meeting on zoom, and I was so encouraged that the attendance and engagement has been the best we’ve had. As our priorities shifted in this new normal, people have time and are desiring to be together more.

I highlighted Paul’s teaching to the church in Thessalonica because it reminds us that not only are we called to share the gospel, but we are also to share our own selves. This requires us to be personal, to be patient and vulnerable in how we open our hearts and invite others in. Walking together is not just reciting scripture to each other, but being intentional in how we listen and share (Heb 13:16), in how to help one another (Matt 25:35-40), and carry each other’s burden (Gal 6:2). We need to hold on to God’s truth in uncertain times, but often what we need first is someone to be there. As we manoeuvre through this testing season, let us not give up meeting together regularly (Heb 10:25), even if it's virtual or by phone. In fact, do it more so than before! I am confident that if we show love by actively making ourselves available, God will surprise us with what He will do. Let’s share life together.

We are here for each other so for those who are seeking support or prayer, please email us at

Let us practice “sharing your life” through prayer by : 

  • Praising God who shared His life with us completely through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 
  • Asking God to bring 3 people to mind where you can reach out to love this week.


© 2024 Island ECC - A Dynamic English Speaking International Church in Hong Kong