
Opening My Eyes to Sin

Posted by Paika Liu on

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned. Romans 5:12 (NIV)

I recently had the privilege of sharing on the topic of sin at an event for teen mothers. I chose that topic because the journey the Lord has brought me on is a journey of confronting my sins, in particular with my anger issues. The birth of my son almost three years ago and the responsibility of motherhood convicted me to face these sins and seek the Lord in earnest about transforming my unhealthy, destructive patterns.

As I prepared to share with the teen mothers and reflected on my journey, I defined sin as “choosing to be our own god and trusting in ourselves rather than in God.” It was Adam’s action that caused sin to enter into the world for all mankind. Instead of trusting in God, Adam trusted in himself and was misled by the evil one to believe eating the fruit would make him be like God.

Through the help of professional counsellors, loving support from my spouse, family members and friends, and most important, from the Lord, I learned that my anger and rage comes from many deep layers of pain and hurt. I have learned that my destructive ways of dealing with anger were passed down from generations before me. While those have been somewhat external factors out of my control, God has also gradually allowed me to see and accept that my sin, much like Adam’s, is rooted in my desire to handle situations in my own way and in my own self-sufficiency rather than turning to Him.

Romans 5 continues, “For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of one man the many will be made righteous.” Jesus is the answer to confronting our sins. Only He can take on all of our sins – all of the pain and hurt, all that has come before us and even after us. It is only when we step down and let Jesus take the reins of our lives that we can experience the cleansing of our sins in which we are made righteous and can live a transformed life.

So, would you join me on our knees to:

  • Thank God for patiently loving and waiting on us to return to Him; and,
  • Confess and ask God to reveal to us areas where we still choose to be our own god and let Him lead us on the journey to holiness.

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