
Known For Praise

Posted by Eric Farmer on

Shout for joy in the Lord, O you righteous! Praise befits the upright. Psalm 33:1


As believers, we are called to clothe ourselves with many things, like love, humility, and compassion. The goal, then, is for us to increasingly embody these characteristics so that eventually they are words used to describe and define us. In fact, they will completely define us one day in heaven. 


Psalm 33 would like to add one more characteristic to that list... praise. “Praise befits the upright,” the psalmist writes. This means, ideally when you think of a Christian, you should be able to think of someone who is known for their praise. 


What is praise? Praise simply means to “honour, commend or worship”. And praise, as the Bible speaks of it, is not handcuffed to Sundays, but is a lifestyle of responding to everyday life with language and actions that exude honour, commendation, and worship.


Now, if you’re like me, you often find that a day’s circumstances are the real driver of your praise levels. This is natural, and an okay place to be for a season, but as we mature in Christ, the hope is that we would grow into the characteristics we were made to embody.


So, let’s use today’s post as an opportunity to stop and reflect: 

Are you known for your praise? 

Would others say it’s common for you to exude language that honours God and celebrates Him? 

Has it become natural for you to respond vertically to things that are happening horizontally around you? 


If not yet, think about this: 

You were made for it. Whatever your personality type and natural demeanour, God’s Spirit is wanting to empower you to be someone who is full of praise. 


So friends, I encourage you to begin your journey today of clothing yourself with praise, it fits you.

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