
I Choose You

Posted by Josephine Tiu on

Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be His treasured possession. Deuteronomy 14:2b

“I choose you.” This is the foundation of a healthy and lasting relationship. It can only be built between two people who choose one another and take full responsibility for that choice. It is a refusal to run away from difficulties and is a decision to embrace the opportunity to journey together. We hear this touching line a lot at weddings, but today it brings me back to 3 April 2011.

On that day, I was asked: “Do you choose to follow Jesus for the rest of your life?” I understood baptism is an outward expression of my internal faith to God, but little did I know the significance it would have on my life when I responded with a resounding “Yes!” in the semi-cold pool. It has become the anchor of my soul, especially when I come face-to-face with my character flaws, failures, and insecurities.

The Lord looks beyond our shortcomings and raw human desires. He has chosen us to be His treasured possession. He is committed to dwell with us forever. It doesn’t mean we are free from fiery trials. Will there be challenges to keeping God as our chosen priority? Will there be things that tempt us to disown Him? Will there be pain and disappointments in this life? Absolutely. The enemy prowls around looking for someone to devour and destroy our invaluable relationship with Jesus.

In this season of my life, when my capacity is physically and mentally limited, when anxiety and hopelessness take over my mind, I was reminded of the vow I made, which is the foundation of my faith. Jesus never fails. Each time I choose to trust Him in the darkest valley, I get to experience His faithfulness. I know for a fact that I would not have made it this far if I had not responded “yes” to be in a personal relationship with God.

My prayer is that we can spur one another on, and remember that we hold intrinsic value to the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are His chosen delight, created to know and be known intimately. Even if we tremble in fear, even if we struggle in our weaknesses, even if suffering invades our lives, I believe we can still say, “Jesus, I choose You.”

Declare “I choose You” by:

  • Praising God for saying “… I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3) and for pursuing you long before you chose Him.
  • Asking the Holy Spirit to help you pause, ponder, and echo the words of the psalmist, “Into Your hands, I commit my spirit, deliver me, Lord, my faithful God.” (Psalm 31:5)

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