Godspell: Day By Day
Recently, I was reminded of this musical Godspell and, in particular, the song Day By Day. (I was also reminded of my age since this musical was initially made popular in Broadway in 1976 although it debuted off Broadway in 1971.)
The musical is based on the gospel of Matthew and set in a modern day setting of Jesus, the Messiah, walking the streets of New York City. The song that has stuck in my mind for over 40 years is Day By Day.
The lyric of the song is very simple.
Day by day, day by day
Oh dear Lord three things I pray
To see you more clearly
To love you more dearly
Follow you more nearly
Day by day
Sometimes, in our information and knowledge saturated life, it is hard to figure out what God wants of us. The most common question I get asked in ministry is “What is God’s will for me in this?” The numerous recommended books and blogs we consume to find answers, oftentimes, make things more complicated.
Ecclesiastes 12:12 says this of a life that is focused on looking for answers. “Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.”
In times like these, a simple song can bring much clarity. And I am reminded again that this life is all about a relationship with The One, Jesus our Saviour, the Way, the Truth and the Life. It is not about getting the right answers as much as about seeing, loving and following the One who changed the course of history.
Jesus said “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matt. 5:8)
When asked what is the greatest command, Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (Matt. 22:37)
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matt. 4:19)
So if you find yourself struggling with many of Life’s issues, hum this song to yourself, and do what it says, day by day by day by day.