
Giver or Taker

Posted by Daniel Tse on

It seems popular these days to ask “Are you a giver or a taker”?   So, I guess I’ll go ahead and ask, which one are you?  Is one more acceptable, more holy, more advantageous, more realistic than the other?

Why not both?  Why can’t the answer, for a Christian anyway, not be anything but both?

Jesus says it is more blessed to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35).   Why?  Because in order to give, the assumption is, you already have something to give!  Our Saviour said, “I’ve come to give you life, the life that is abundant”! (John 10:10).  As a follower of Christ, we can only live in this abundance when we understand God’s love for us AND we experience that same love in our souls. 

When we first accepted Christ, our hearts were so full, we were unable to explain the joy that filled us and over-flowed to others!  It is God who found us, loved us, accepted us, died and forgave us, all whilst we were opposing Him, ignoring Him, running away from Him.  However, God continued to wait patiently and gently by the door, until we opened our hearts towards Him. 

You cannot give out of nothing, for what good is nothing? 

Try to give out of your own strength, you will be drained.

Yet you, Christian, you have this abundant life, a new life, daily… so, how will you give?  You can only freely give when you are also receiving from the ultimate “giver”.  It is the Spirit of the Living God within you that breathes life into you when you experience Him in your soul! 

So, what has happened?  Why do you feel heavy-hearted, resigned, resentful, bitter, hardened, alone, ashamed…drained.

Have you distanced yourself from God, is Sunday a religious activity, are you just going through the motions and living in stagnation, is there willful disobedience?

Then you must stop, reflect, repent and re-prioritise your life!  Take a pause - hone in on the MOST important relationship in your life; the relationship between you and God; Be honest and ask Him to search your soul, see if there are any changes you need to act upon…He is faithful, gracious and true, and He will show you the way!  When you receive His grace, His love, choose to repent and be close to Him, you can’t help but give to others because your heart is overflowing with His love.  During this unusual season in Hong Kong, while you are working from home, caring for homeschoolers, take out an hour or two and open up His word, speak to Him, worship Him, and allow Him to pour His love over you.  Receive and give out of abundance. Amen.


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