
Free Investment Advice!

Posted by Gary Morris on

Divide your portion to seven, even to eight, for you do know what misfortune may occur upon the earth. Ecclesiastes 11:2

The title may sound more like an advertisement than a reflection. In fact, I can even add an “endorsement” by noting that this advice came from the financially richest man ever!

While Solomon dispensed some wonderful economic, financial and spiritual advice, the point of this topic is that the Bible has truth that has stood the test of time and continues to be modern and—more importantly—helpful today.

I use this passage to show that this 3,500 year-old advice won the Noble prize for economics. Economist Harry Markowitz offered what is called the Modern Portfolio Theory or mean-variance analysis. Simply said, an investor can reduce the total risk of an individual asset by holding a diversified portfolio of assets defined as more than seven or eight. Asset classes include stocks, bonds, real estate and commodities of all types, e.g. oil, gas, agricultural products, precious and non-precious metals, etc.

My purpose is neither to describe nor to debate the theory but to give an example of Scripture that is just as relevant today as it was ten centuries before Jesus. Importantly, the application of the Word extends, beyond the stewardship of assets the Lord has placed in your hands, to ALL aspects of your life.

As you seek answers to any and all of life’s questions or concerns, I pray that you take two actions: First, go to the Lord in prayer and seek His guidance. Second, go the Lord’s Word and seek His guidance.

I acknowledge this may require a little more effort than praying, but I suggest you find a good concordance or topic index to help your search for appropriate passages. Make this important investment! You will be rewarded by the sense of both power and peace that His Word provides today.

Let us acknowledge this free investment advice by:

  • Thanking God for writing everything we need to know about investment in His Word and reminding us through His Spirit.
  • Asking God to bless those who have taken the “Navigating Your Finances God’s Way” course with the church and considering taking the course when it’s offered again to learn about financial stewardship.


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