
Comfortable with Uncomfortable

Posted by Joseph Mohan on

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16

People love to do things they are comfortable with, and avoid anything uncomfortable. Fear of public speaking makes a juggernaut of discomfort! It has its own name: Glossophobia. 

Likewise, the very thought of sharing the gospel with a friend or colleague can send shivers down our collective spines. Let’s name it: Gospelophobia.  “I don’t know what to say,” “They might think I’m weird,” or "They’ll probably all reject me,” are all standard excuses that help us to snuggle far down into our comfort zones.

Paul’s call in Romans 1:16 is to us who feel uncomfortable in sharing the gospel. It’s true that our unease arises from the thought that our friend or colleague will reject the message, causing us to lose face. However, understanding that people come to believe not by our skills in communicating the gospel, but by the power of God, should provide us with much-needed comfort when we are uncomfortable. It is God who changes the heart and saves, not man.

Knowing that Christ was rejected to His face by the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-27) could give us some comfort. So even though Jesus Himself showed that man his need for a Saviour and the cost of discipleship, the young man still rejected Him and went away, sorrowful.

Success in Evangelism is measured not by outcome, but by obedience to the Great Commission. Our uncomfortable experience in this endeavour has eternal value when a soul is saved or not; either way we have the honour of being used directly by God to preach the message—regardless of response.

Learn how to be comfortable with the uncomfortable by:

  • Thanking your loving Father for His presence and ask His help to not be fearful in sharing the gospel.
  • Asking God to give you the spirit of obedience to His command to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

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