
But we had hoped...

Posted by Brett Hilliard on

It's a familiar story for many. The Road to Emmaus, where Jesus (in disguise) appears to two followers who are described as being "downcast" because their hopes had been dashed. Dejected, they now return home, having witnessed the death of Jesus, but unaware of his resurrection. "What are you discussing?", Jesus asks them as if he didn't already know. "What things?" he adds, to goad them into further discussion. They pour out their hearts, putting words to their disappointments.

"They crucified him, but we had hoped...." Luke 24.21

I'm certain you have some dashed hopes. Have you had to cancel any travel plans, adjust your expectations for your career? The prolonged uncertainty of our lives, mixed with the obvious fears and anxieties of Covid19, can take a toll on your emotional well-being.

Zane was supposed to graduate from high school on June 19th. It may still happen, but the older siblings have had to cancel their flights to come to celebrate with him. Ugh. Family vacation cancelled. Trip to London cancelled. Seeing Hamilton in the West End cancelled. I’m sure you have a long list of both big and small things that are cancelled, delayed, or simply not the same.

As this duo on the dusty road whines about their dashed hopes, they fail to realise that it was Jesus who was with them. Yes, their expectations weren't met, but the reality was that the One they were missing was right next to them.

Are there silver linings in your changed plans? Have you processed your grief, putting words to what you're bummed about, so you can then see the positives?

Jesus then "explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures" and then went to stay with them. What a day! What a rollercoaster of emotions.

In the midst of your confusion, frustration or anxiety, take some time to process your grief. Put words to what you are missing or what you have lost. It is then that you can move to the redemptive realisation that Jesus is with you all the time, and there are great blessings awaiting if you can allow God to "explain to you", as He did to them on the dusty road.

“Then their eyes were opened” and they recognized him. (Luke 24.31). I pray that your eyes may be opened too, to the new realities of what God is doing (and re-doing) in our lives.

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