
Be An Ambassador of Christ

Posted by Kevin Lau on

We are therefore ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.  2 Corinthians 5:20-21 

I recently had the challenge but privilege of reaching out to some people to ask for forgiveness and begin the process of reconciliation. It certainly hasn’t been the easiest thing I have had to do in my life but it was such a blessing to be able to do it.

God led me to reach out to forgive, ask for forgiveness and reconcile with others who may have hurt me and whom I may have hurt. It was a blessing because I was first compelled by how much God had forgiven me of my sins and shortcomings through sending His son Jesus to save me. Through Jesus, the sinless lamb who became sin for us, we have been forgiven and all have the gift of being able to be reconciled with God. We don’t deserve to be in relationship with God for we have all “fallen short of the glory of God” but by His grace and love, we can be reconciled to Him. 

Not only do we have the privilege of being reconciled with Him but it’s through that reconciliation that we can extend reconciliation to others. We can forgive others because He has forgiven us. We can be reconciled to others because we have been reconciled to God through Jesus. I realised that I didn’t have strength to forgive but it was only through Him that I did. 

And this message of reconciliation is not just a personal one – we have been commissioned to share this Good News with the world. We have been given the privilege of being ambassadors of this message of reconciliation and to share with the world that because of Jesus, we can all have a relationship with God. 

As we step into the festive Christmas season, let us be ambassadors for Christ by:  

  • Thanking God for His everlasting patience that waits on us to be reconciled with Him; and,
  • Asking God to help us examine if we need to be reconciled with Him or with others, or if we need to share with others His message of reconciliation. 

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