
A Blessed Day

Posted by Jane Bates on

O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. Psalm 139:1-4  

The sign on the wall that declared “Prepared 22,020,096 Ways!” over a picture of a luscious cheeseburger with hash brown potatoes and a salad definitely got my attention as I waited for my Waffle House coffee. I have been in the U.S. visiting our son’s family with their beautiful new baby girl and one of my first stops was this favourite diner.

I let my mind ponder the amazing claim on the wall. The menu offered grilled potatoes with nine different variations: “scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, diced, peppered, capped, topped and country style.” I supposed that somehow, there really could be millions of combinations, but figuring out that conundrum gave me a headache, so I accepted the statement.

And, in that moment, I was drawn closer to God. He knows all the ways of all the people on the planet, whether I can figure this out with my human knowledge or not! And while He may or may not care how we order our food at a restaurant, the fact is that He knows everything there is to know about each one of us, with the 22,020,096 or more variations that exist in all seven billion plus of us. He is all-knowing! And I accept this.

Besides the fact that He is present everywhere and all-powerful, I find His knowledge of me as a mere mortal incredibly comforting. Individually unique, in all our ways; whether we find ourselves sitting to consider an action, standing up to do something, resting, eating, sleeping, speaking, listening, thinking the most intimate thoughts, avoiding the most painful truths, crying our hearts out, or imploring Him for mercy; God knows us. The Psalmist declares that God “is acquainted with all our ways.” We can bet our lives on this.

As I paid my cheque to leave the Waffle House, the waitress smiled, “Have a blessed day!”

I replied, “Thank you! I already am!”

Let us celebrate a blessed day by:

  • Praising God for His amazing ways: blessings, grace, protection, provision, guidance, wisdom, and most of all His love as demonstrated through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Praying for God to show Himself in the insignificant everyday aspects of life as well as in the grand and magnificent things. Ask Him to give you a heart to know and love Him.

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