Mar 07, 2010 | Brett Hilliard
Bitter or Better
Habakkuk 3:1-19
We have seen this minor
prophet complain appropriately to God, then wait for His answer, we now look at chapter 3
which details Habakkuk demonstrating faith by worshipping. God desires to deepen each of
us, and He will often use difficulty and pain to get our attention and to refine our character.
But the choice of how we respond is up to us. We will either grow bitter, or we will get better.
Habakkuk's perspective is changed as he recalls in detail the full character of God.
His understanding of God affected his view of life.
His belief in "the gospel" caused change in his life.
Today we'll look at how Habakkuk moves from whining to winning, as he disciplines his mind
to believe the truth about God, in spite of his circumstances.
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